Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Interest Calculating Program....Simple ,It may Help You with Code.....


 Interest Calculating Program....Simple ,It may Help You with Code.....

Interest Calculating Program  coded in Visual Basic , It is simple and used to program to  every people to calculate interest.
It helps you to calculate interest in two different part.

1)Simple Interest 
2)Compound Interest 

Here i am posting a setup exe file. You can use it and have a simple way to calculate the rate of interest. It also displays the amount calculated in words.

I have tried to make the project simple and used to for all the people.

I am sharing the code for simple interest calculation so, 
anyone can try using this code.

        Dim strtotaldays As String
        Dim strdate1, strdate2 As Object
        strdate1 = dtp_startingdate.Text
        strdate2 = dtp_endingdate.Text
        strtotaldays = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, strdate1, strdate2)
        dtp_startingdate.Text = strdate1
        dtp_endingdate.Text = strdate2
        txttotaldays.Text = strtotaldays
        txtinterestamt.Text = FormatNumber((CDbl(txtinterestrate.Text) * CDbl(txttotaldays.Text) * CDbl(txtprincipalamt.Text)) / 36500, 2)

        If IsNumeric(txtinterestamt.Text) = True Then
            txt_towords.Text = numtowords(txtinterestamt.Text)
        End If    


Download File.

Thank you for your time.

Narayan Aryal
Rupandehi Nepal